Update on the first story...

Thanks so much to those of you who made a donation to download the story! I have now removed it, since I don't want to keep paying the monthly fee for the website that distributes it. I know the first "Jennifer in Trumpland" story ended with a "to be continued," but I haven't written the next installment yet. Life got WAY too busy. But I will write the second installment eventually, perhaps sometime this summer. Thanks so much for your interest and support. 

Jennifer in Trumpland #1: The Woman in the Woods

After the election, so many people asked me "What would Jennifer do right now?" that I decided to write a story and find out. This new Dietland short story costs $5 to download, and I'll donate the profits* to Planned Parenthood. [The only Dietland character in this story is "Jennifer." There are no spoilers for the novel.] 

There will be at least one more story to come in January. Beyond that, we'll see...

Given the nature of what I'm writing about, I cannot simply write whatever I want. There are legal considerations. I've produced the best story I can given the parameters I have to work within.

Once you make your payment, you will receive an email from "Sarai Walker Author" (via a company called Payloadz) that will give you a link to download a PDF of the story.

Content note: Contains adult language, sexist language, and references to violence, including sexual violence. 

**No longer available for download.


*Fine print: Your payment goes directly to my PayPal account. PayPal and Payloadz (the company that distributes the PDF) take small fees from each transaction. I will donate the remaining money for this first story to Planned Parenthood USA. I have donated my time and labor and all other expenses associated with this project.

If you experience technical difficulties, please contact me via the Contact page. Copying, distributing or publishing this story without permission is prohibited.